发信人: boohockey (Pursuit of Dreams!), 信区: WaterWorld 标 题: how to improve spoken English? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 11:26:02 2011, 美东)
i dont think that speaking with americans can be helpful, at least not for me i feel like my oral english is getting worse and worse and i want to find a way to improve it asap any suggestions?
thanks and sorry that i cannot type Chinese at company --
发信人: gejkl (gejkl), 信区: WaterWorld 标 题: Re: how to improve spoken English? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 16:52:57 2011, 美东)
我没有ACCENT,可能有的词发音不对,这个就要靠自己听了,别人怎么说的就怎么学, 比如,别人说PAIN IN THE NECK的时候是怎么说的,要尽力去模仿。其次,自己的 ACCENT,要经常被人拿出来笑话, 比如ALLEN,念做爱L LIN,两个L都要发音,中国人的L发音不对,不是很重,就是舌头 不打弯,念错的单词要反复练,然后让同事孩子邻居给纠正,不能轻易放过一个单词, 一个发音。你去找工作发音不对,人听不懂,是不会原谅你的。比如VOILIN的V发音的 时候要闭嘴,中国人很容易发成WOILIN。 【 在 boohockey (Pursuit of Dreams!) 的大作中提到: 】 : how about your accent? : and it is very difficult to correct the grammer by just speaking a lot
发信人: samleelyz (小蓝脸儿), 信区: WaterWorld 标 题: Re: how to improve spoken English? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 17:02:11 2011, 美东)
I had the exact question before only to find out it wasn't the question to ask.
The real question is how can you learn to enjoy the conversation with others . It will certainly help if you can have someone teach you the proper pronunciation, but it varies how you can really benefit from it. I would rather spend more time on learning American culture and exploring any bit of fun in my daily life and work.
Let me ask you this: When talking to an American who can speak Chinese, would you rather one with accent but can initiate interesting conversations? Or the one who speaks perfect Chinese but is boring?
【 在 boohockey (Pursuit of Dreams!) 的大作中提到: 】 : i dont think that speaking with americans can be helpful, at least not for : me : i feel like my oral english is getting worse and worse : and i want to find a way to improve it asap : any suggestions? : thanks and sorry that i cannot type Chinese at company
发信人: pseudotriton (KT), 信区: WaterWorld 标 题: Re: how to improve spoken English? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 21:35:07 2011, 美东)
想问一下LZ指的"speaking with Americans"是平时买东西问路什么的随便说几句,还 是有几个和你比较要好的American朋友经常混?光是前者的话作用不大。当初我练英语 时经常有发音不准而被美国朋友取笑,笑多了才能记得住,就是这样磨练出来的。现在 的中国人多数扎堆,真正和美国人交流的机会不多,英语improve不了也是难怪的。
【 在 boohockey (Pursuit of Dreams!) 的大作中提到: 】 : i dont think that speaking with americans can be helpful, at least not for : me : i feel like my oral english is getting worse and worse : and i want to find a way to improve it asap : any suggestions? : thanks and sorry that i cannot type Chinese at company